Caniceee Ascorbic Acid Dog Immuno Booter
- Boosts your pet`s overall immune health.
- Aims to improve your pet`s resistance to diseases and illnesses.
- Helps in wound healing and bone fracture recovery post surgery.
- Maintains your pets ascorbic acid levels.
- Helps protect cell and keeps them healthy, maintains healthy skin and coat.
- Treatment of ascorbic acid deficiency.
- Prevention and treatment of scurvy.
- Promotion of wound healing.
- idiopathic methemoglobinemia.
- Supportive prevention and treatment of infections.
Canicee is an excellent vitamin supplement essential in the formulation of collagen in the body. It aids in the proper development of cartilage, bones and teeth. It also promotes healing of wounds and bone fracture of animals in post operative state.
Each 5ml (1 teaspoonful) contains:
Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C) 100mg
Dosage for Administration:
For oral suspension
To be mixed in food or drinking water
To be taken once daily for supplementation. twice to four times a day as suggested by a veterinarian.
Dogs and Puppies
Age: 3 months and 1 yr old (1 teaspoonful)
Adult: 1 year old an above (2 teaspoonfuls)
Warning and Precaution:
Large doses may cause the formation of renal calcium oxalatecalculi. Should be given with care to animals with hyperoxaluria. Dose of greater than 1 gram daily is not recommended.